Welcome, this is the newsletter of Suriname Furniture Group, where we aim to keep you informed about what we do.

Welcome to the new Project Coordinator for SFG!

As of today Dorothy Krolis is the new Project Coordinator of Suriname Furniture Group. She will replace Anne-Greet Dilweg. 

The main theme in Dorothy's career is bringing together supply and demand on the market and providing insight into new market opportunities. Her years of marketing-oriented and commercial experience as an independent project manager will be a great asset to the Suriname Furniture Group. 

If you want to know more about Dorothy view her profile on linked in or connect through email
" Working for and supporting the members of SFG has been a wonderful experience. Highlight of the past 1,5 years for me was organizing the Trade Fair in 2017. Partly due to the experience as Project Coordinator, I have decided to join the family business, NV Randoe, one of the SFG members. I want to thank all of the wonderful people I have met or worked with and wish Dorothy all the best on this adventure!"

If you want to know more about Anne-Greet view her profile on profile on linked in